2015-10-12 09:55:36

from buses and trucks to Iraq as a gift to test them.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Transportation on Monday , al-Zubaidi met yesterday Anatoly Marenitez , the Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in Iraq.

The statement added that during the meeting ,they discussed bilateral relations and ways of cooperation between the two countries in the field of transportation and activation of what came in the minutes of the Ukrainian Iraqi Joint Committee, signed in 2012.

The statement said that the ambassador expressed the desire of the specialized company in the production of Ukrainian trucks, buses, tractors to meet the minister in Iraq.

For his part, the statement said that Zubaidi has confirmed his readiness to cooperate with Ukrainian companies where he proposed to provide samples of their products as a gift to the ministry in order to experience and learn more about the products.

The Ukrainian Ambassador has invited the minister to visit the experts team in the transportation field to Ukraine to see the products.