2013-11-15 12:22:53


“ Our office has came to the conclusion that companies implementing the buildings of schools are uneffective; some are not qualified for this work, others are unwilling to do the work and there are companies that are not capable of it technically ,” The inspector general of the ministry , Muzaffar Yassin told “Shafaq News”.

“ With the exception of companies that implement building in the traditional way and have achieved completion rates , all the rest of the companies are uneffective to work and recommended through official letter to withdraw work from all of those companies ,” he added.

According to the Ministry of Construction and Housing ; among the reasons for the delay in completion of school buildings by the ministrys’ companies is due to the delayed approval of the Ministry of Education on the designs .

The Ministry of Education has referred approximately 1000 schools of clay that are doomed to fall in all the provinces to state - owned companies belonging to the Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Construction and Housing , but those companies and since more than a year ago did not