2013-09-23 06:05:17

The Ministry of Electricity has announced earlier that it has reached 16 hours a day in the processing power to the capital Baghdad and 16-24 hours a day for the rest of the provinces.

“Baghdad province is currently equipped with 16 to 18 hours per day of energy after passing the actual production ceiling of 11 thousand megawatts and reducing loads during the current period,”The spokesman of the ministry , Musab al-Mudares told “Shafaq News “.

“The rest of the Iraqi provinces is equipped by 20-24 hours a day ," noting that " hours of processing will rise in the coming period after the introduction of more than 2,300 MW to the service when the provision of gas from the Ministry of Oil”.

The governmental committee charged with scrutinizing the reasons for not achieving the production of electric power scheduled this month revealed transforming the relationship between the ministries of oil and electricity from coordinating to contractual to end the problem of the lack of fuel to run power stations .