2015-07-29 08:54:20

and implementation of four important transmission 132 kV stations in the capital, Baghdad.

The Director-General of the Directorate for projects of power transmission, , Sabah Kadhim Akrb said in a statement received by Shafaq News, that the contract includes processing equipment, execution of civil works for the four stations, which are already present to the service, and will be rehabilitated under this contract as well as the establishment of new stations alternative to the old plants, which are Kadhimiya ,Al-Ghazali , Baghdad al-Jadida and al- Yarmouk.

For his part, Deputy Director of transmission stations Projects in the Directorate General of electric power , Rashid Ali Jawad said that stations (132 kV) of type (J.A. M) gas-insulated, adding that the contract includes all processing equipment and civil works for ( 485) days, starting from the activation of the contract, the day of opening credit.

He added that the project is vital, because it will contribute to solve problems in Karkh and Rusafa side effectively.