2013-07-22 07:16:22


“The ministry signed an important contract with the Iranian Oil Ministry to equip it with natural gas, which is the safest, cleanest and the best to produce electric power by 25 million cubic meters per day, for a period of four years subjected to renewal at world market prices, which is hoped to be completed in two months,” the spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity, Musab al-Mudares told “Shafaq News”.

“This contract is an extension of memorandum of understanding that was signed between the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity and the Iranian Oil Ministry at the end of 2011, as it includes two contacts ; the first contract to extend a gas pipeline and the second to import gas."

“The first contract was signed in collaboration with oil pipelines company affiliated to the ministry of oil with (ICG) Iranian company of a value of (365) million $, whereby the Iranian company extended a pipeline that enters through oil border Khana point toward Mansuriyya gas field station of a length (130) km and size (42) Lange, that moves towards Baghdad province, where it divides into two sections, the first head Qudos gas station, and the second to al-Sadr gas station of a length of 90 km and size (32) Lang. “

On his part, Iran's oil minister said “I will do my best to deliver gas from Iran to Baghdad as the project will be completed during the next two months after achieving completion rates reached 90% of the work," hoping to” strengthen relations between Iraq and Iran through the conclusion of these contracts that have of economic, political and social advantages”.

The Ministry of Electricity has announced last year, that ir has signed a contract with the Iranian side to import more than one million cubic meters of gas per day to feed the four obstetric plants, with attributed the stop of two units to the lack of fuel.

Gas wealth in Diyala is concentrated in Mansuriyya gas field, which was discovered in 1979, 50 km north-east of Diyala, a length of 52 km and width of 5 to 6 km that includes four-dug wells, and has a stock gas of 4.5 trillion standard cubic meters.