2014-06-11 11:33:51

although the chances of reaching an agreement between Baghdad and Kurdistan has increased because of Mosul situation.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant organization split from al -Qaeda has controlled on Mosul city, Iraq's second city on Tuesday.

Al-Laeebe said during OPEC meeting in Vienna that the oil export facilities in Basra, southern Iraq is , "very, very safe," and that current shipments are about 2.6 million barrels per day, according to what Reuters reported and seen by "Shafaq News".

He added that the chances of reaching an agreement between the federal government and Kurdistan Region on the export of Kurdish oil have increased due to the situation in Mosul.

The Iraqi security sources said on Wednesday that militants of Daash entered Baiji city , the largest oil refinery in Iraq and set fire to a court and a police station.

Baiji refinery is the largest in Iraq as it provide most of the Iraqi provinces with petroleum products. A worker there said that the morning shift was not allowed to receive the work and that the night shift is still working.

Laeebe said yesterday that the declaration of a state of emergency will not affect Iraq's oil exports, which funds about 95 percent of the country's budget.

Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki has called the Parliament yesterday to declare a state of emergency after the fall of Mosul by militants.

The Iraqi exports may have already been affected in recent months as a result of repeated attacks on the pipeline, which carries Kirkuk crude to the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean.

The pumping line has stopped oil since the beginning of last March. Being pumped majority of Iraqi crude from the ports of Basra in southern Iraq, which is usually far from the attacks of the Islamist militant.