2015-02-23 09:14:46


This came during a joint meeting of the officials in the ministry, Iranian Assistant Minister of Health Affair, Rasool Dinar Faned accompanying representatives of Iranian delegation of specialized companies in pharmaceutical industry.

Scientific Advisor to the Ministry of Industry , Hamoudi Abbas said in a statement issued by the ministry that, "The Iraqi citizen has a high confidence in our produced drug being under US and British Constitution as the current situation of the pharmaceutical industry and medical supplies company in Nineveh has become today outside the control of the state in addition to (24) pharmaceutical company special ".

He pointed out that "the available investment opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry field is large and promising, whether through the creation of new drug factories by the Iranian side or through investment or cooperation with one of the government and private companies."

Abbas called the Iranian companies to contribute "in the rehabilitation of some existing factories affiliated to companies in light of the increasing needs of the country for drugs that excess $ 3 billion a year, especially in the field of industry and the production of intravenous fluids because Iraq needs to set up four new plants in Baghdad and the provinces to meet the local need."

He stressed the need to take account of quality in the pharmaceutical industry for direct impairing the lives of Iraqi citizens, calling on Iranian companies to enter the Iraqi market in the light of government support in the current year budget goal to give preference to local products.

Abbas pointed to the determination of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals to take action on reconsidering the terms of the investment at the announcement of the upcoming investment opportunities with full readiness to provide help and assistance and necessary facilities.