2020-04-29 12:52:03

Shafaq News / Iranian Customs Authority spokesman, Ruhullah Latifi announced on Wednesday that goods had been transported by 7,264 trucks to Iraq within the past three days.

"Proizkhan" crossing in western Iran (adjacent to Kurdistan Region) witnessed 2,786 trucks in the mentioned period, “The official Iranian "Fars" news agency quoted Latifi as saying.

After “Proizkhan " came the first the port of "Bashmakh" came second with 2,366 trucks and "Tamerjin" came the third with 1499 trucks in terms of delivery of Iranian goods to the Iraqi side.

He pointed out that the Iranian joint crossings with Iraq are closed (due to the outbreak of Corona virus) except for those with Kurdistan Region, which in turn imposed health protocols and a decision to transfer goods from Iranian trucks to Iraq, so the commercial process is ongoing despite the obstacles due to applying these protocols.

Latifi indicated that closing the remaining border crossing with Iraq pushed some merchants to transfer their goods to the joint crossings with Kurdistan, since the distance goes up and the expenses increase and this leads to long lines on those borders.