2015-12-31 11:40:45

in the United States to growing concern of global supply glut that pushed prices to drop by about a third over 2015.

The US Energy Information Administration said that crude oil inventories in the United States increased 2.6 million barrels last week against analysts expectations of 2.5 million barrels.

Oil prices have stopped the bleeding losses after it fell more than three percent in the previous session, with a trade futures contracts for WTI US mediator at about $ 36.70 a barrel 0740 GMT on Thursday, while the global Brent crude reached 36.66 dollars a barrel. The two Crudes fell by about a third over 2015

The prospects for oil prices remains bleak, as analysts says such as Goldman Sachs that the output of the producers of the market may take necessitate on lower descent of the price of crude to $ 20 a barrel to allow the market regain its balance.

US bank Morgan Stanley said in its forecast for next year that oil will face unfavorable growing conditions in 2016, pointing to a continued increase in the global supply of available and slowing demand for key factors.