2015-03-17 11:17:09

thousand barrels per day after a week of problems.

The source said in a statement to Reuters, seen by "Shafaq News" that "oil pumping rate of Kirkuk and several other crudes from Kurdistan to the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean has returned to the level of 400 thousand barrels per day since Monday after faltering pumping over the past week due to problems ".

The Turkish official said on Saturday that resume pumping oil in the line took place on Friday night after it was closed because of damage caused by   theft.

The pipeline is pumping about 450 thousand barrels per day in the last period, but stopped working since last week to make repairs after the theft amounts of oil on the Turkish side.

  Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) resumed export through the port of Ceyhanlate last year through a pipeline that extends in Kurdistan Region line  , following an agreement between Erbil and Baghdad in December.

Under the agreement, Kurdistan exported 550 thousand barrels per day from the port of Ceyhan through SOMO in 2015 in exchange for the resumption of the budget payments to the region.

  Kurdistan Regional Government said last week that it has provided 97 percent of the agreed amount of crude during the last period.

Sownload data from the Turkish port of Ceyhan on Monday showed that downloads of Kirkuk crude from Iraq amounted to 400 thousand barrels per day for the first time since the agreement from an average of 350 thousand barrels per day over the last week and about 275 to 300 thousand barrels per day in February and January.