2014-01-25 08:41:52

“The provinces of Dhi Qar , Maysan , Wasit , Mosul , Salahuddin , Baghdad and Basra are participating in the oil-producing provinces Conference, which will be held at Basra International Hotel,” The deputy governor of Basra, Mohammed Taher al-Tamimi told “Shafaq News ".

He added that the conference will call the Parliament to re- budget and allocate five dollars for the oil-producing provinces .

He explained that the people of Basra will demonstrate and protest if their demands were not implemented to allocate five dollars within the petro-dollar project .

For her part, MP of Basra province , Susan Saad said that members of the parliamentary oil and energy Commission have arrived in Basra and will participate in this conference .

Basra Governorate Council has voted during its meeting last Wednesday , on a the decision that commit MPs in the parliament to reject the budget if it does not meet their conditions.

Basra and other oil provinces demand the federal government to apply the legal articles that give Basra $ 5 for every barrel of producedoil.

He called on local officials in Basra to go out in demonstrations in the oil provinces in an attempt to pressure the government to re- include $ 5 for each produced barrel by the province.