2013-09-14 06:03:43


“The Ministry of Electricity announced achieving a production of electrical energy of 11 thousand megawatts and this thing is certain, but this figure of the production doesn’t happen just in the rush hour and stays for a very short period then decline, so the Energy production is not counted on the basis of peak hour,” The decision maker of the Commission , Mohammad Qasim told “Shafaq News”.

“The oil and energy Commission and what was submitted by the member of the commission , Uday Awad that the production does not exceed 6000 MW is realistic," noting that "the MP did not depend on the rate of production in the peak hour, but relied on the production rate after the peak hour."

“Until now, the actual production of electric power is not enough only for 40% of the country's needs,” he added.

The advisers board in the Iraqi prime ministry, has prepared a report on the effects of electric power on the economic reality and stated that Iraq is losing 40 billion $ annually due to the low power output.