2015-07-08 08:16:55

agreement signed between Baghdad and Erbil, indicating that one billion and $ 120 million still owed by the federal government and was not paid to the region.

The committee’s member , Tariq Sadeq told “Shafaq News” that “Kurdistan Region could not export quantities set forth in the oil agreement during the first three months of this year in January, February, March due to technical problems and this is included in the oil agreement, which gave the region a period of three Months to allow to increase oil production. "

He added that "the region during April , May and June delivered the federal government with the largest amounts of oil from the oil specified in the agreement amounts, thus the agreement was executed by the federal government by delivering about 80 million barrels of oil to the federal government over the past six months."

He said a member of the parliamentary committee that "the federal government handed over the provincial government two billion and 285 million Iraqi dinars, less than two billion dollars, while in the custody of the Federal Government is still about one billion and 120 million dollars for the region's share of oil exports in the past six months."

Under the budget , Kurdistan must export of 550 000 barrels per day of oil from Kirkuk fields and fields through the pipeline owned by the region for the benefit of the federal government in exchange for the region’s share of the budget, amounting to 17 percent.

Kurdish officials say that Baghdad send monthly payments much lower than their share of the budget despite the fact that the region currently pumps what is agreed on the amount of oil.