2015-02-13 16:01:13

said that the company's business stopped completely since April 2011 due to the Ministry of Oil didn’t provide the company with gas from the South Oil Company.  The general director of the company, Ibrahim Salim Ibrahim told “Shafaq News", that "the company’s work is stopped due to the failure to provide the Ministry of Oil with sufficient gas to run the company's machines, while there is a producer gas accompanying oil operations in Basra, an estimated of one million and 450 thousand cubic meters per day, while what is being exploiter is only 450 000 cubic meters per day, and the rest is wasted by burning. "Ibrahim added that "hundreds of energies working in the General Petrochemical Company began to leave work and search for job opportunities in other places after they have not receive their salaries for several months that have not been paid by the Ministry of Finance."Hundreds of general staff of the Petrochemical company demonstrated on Tuesday in Basra province, demanding the federal government to pay their salary suspended for several months, while many provinces are experiencing ongoing demonstrations by employees of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals due to late payment of salaries.