2014-02-20 11:53:21

The company has completed in 2013 the establishment of the first pipeline to transport crude oil from Kurdistan Region to Turkey which is located just a few kilometers from the border with Turkey .

The company said in a statement briefed by “Shafaq News", that “ the production capacity of Tauki field will increase to 155 thousand barrels per day by the end of 2014” .

It showed that the ultimate goal is to reach 270 thousand barrels per day .

It is expected that these efforts would anger the federal government in Baghdad , which refuses to export crude only through the Iraqi state-owned " SOMO " company.

Negotiations are under way for months to reach an understanding on the export of Kurdish oil through the pipeline , which was completed last year . While Erbil and Baghdad did not reach a final solution , despite the emergence of positive signs in the later negotiations .

The Kurdish crude oil used to be transferred to world markets via Kirkuk - Ceyhan pipeline which is controlled by Baghdad to Turkey, but the Kurdish exports across tracks stopped in late 2012 because of a dispute over payments.

Kurdistan is seeking to export around 300 thousand barrels per day to world markets via the new line extends to the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean.