2015-05-14 10:33:38

Pumping has stopped on Tuesday for technical reasons, according to what Reuters reported , seen by Shafaq News.

The Ministry of Natural Resources in Kurdistan Region had said a few days ago that the Government of the Region has exported during April, 0.16 million and 878 thousand and 985 barrels of crude oil in favor of the federal government in Baghdad with an average of 562 thousand barrels per day.

These figures differ from the figures announced by the federal government earlier this month, noting that the exported quantities through the pipeline to the Kurdish Turkish port of Ceyhan totaled 13.5 million barrels

Under the agreement between the two sides, Kurdistan is committed to export 550 000 barrels per day from its fields and Kirkuk fields in exchange for Baghdad payment to the region's share of the federal budget, amounting to 17 percent.

Iraqi Minister of Oil , Adel Abdul-Mahdi arrived yesterday to Erbil to discuss with the Kurds leaders , the problems related to the budget, where the region complain of not receiving its full monthly share from Baghdad.