2014-03-01 09:14:04

Shahristani said in a speech during his attendance at the opening ceremony of two refineries and developing the gasoline in Shaeeba refinery in Basra province , attended by " Shafaq News", the use of lead material has decreased by 95% .

He explained that the amount of 5% of lead used in Dora refinery in Baghdad and we will eliminate it entirely during the nearby period.

Shahristani added that Iraq will become a country free from lead in " gasoline " in the future.

The Ministry of Environment has imposed on the Ministry of Oil a procedure to reduce the proportion of lead in gasoline by 10 –times , as a result of being strict in granting approvals to import lead , indicating , that this matter has led to reduce the gasoline efficiency and reduce damage to the environment.

A global report has developed Iraq at the end of the countries that pay attention to the environmental performance within 2012, as researchers at the universities of Yale and Columbia in the United States in collaboration with the World Economic Forum confirm that the Iraqi government will have to face a big environmental degradation, issues of water management and air pollution, as performance standards are not reduced but it is in retreat .