2014-01-01 07:22:28

The sales of Shikhan oil are moving through Turkey by trucks ahead of the planned export of light crude from Taq Taq via a new pipeline.

Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) began selling its oil independently from Baghdad in 2012, consuming sales of crude oil and Taq Taq oil which is produced by Genl listed on the London Stock Exchange. As those exports angered Baghdad government that considered such operationsas smuggling.

The talks are ongoing between the central government and Kurdistan Region to reach agreement on oil exports and revenue sharing after Erbil and Ankara signed energy agreements in the field of billions of dollars at the end of November, including the establishment of pipelines and gas exploration agreements. Iraq's oil minister said that Baghdad will regain control of the oil revenues.

Despite threats of Baghdad to take legal action against potential buyers over the past year, KRG has went ahead in the export of Shikhan crude shipments in the first international company of Gulf Keystone to the Region.

Well-informed trade sources said in statements briefed by “Shafaq News “that “Paortranc commercial company act as an intermediary used by KRG to export its oil from Turkey that sold a consignment of 30 tons of Shikhan crude for downloading it from the sixth to the tenth of January .

A commercial source said that the shipment will be loaded at Delta Rops port in Dortyol in IskenderunGulf.

Sheikhan oil field operated by Gulf Keystone owns M . O. L. Hungarian stake to 20 percent. The commercial field began production in July 2013 by preliminary card of ten thousand barrels per day expected to reach production to 40 thousand barrels per day in early 2014.