2014-10-04 07:44:17

data on employment in the United States and new evidence on the abundant supply of crude.

The dollar started to raise appearing as a key driver of commodity prices in recent months, as it makes the raw materials more expensive for most importers.

The dollar jumped to its highest level in more than four years after a report showed that the American economy created jobs more than expected last month, while the unemployment rate fell to 5.9 percent, its lowest level since July 2008.

The price of Brent crude oil has declined for November $ 1.11 to 92.31 dollars a barrel at the settlement yesterday after the earlier was $ 91.48 a barrel the lowest level since June 2012.

Crude lost 5.1 percent during the week, its biggest weekly loss since April 2013 and the fourth weekly loss in five weeks.

Brent fell more than 20 percent since June, when it rose to near $ 116 a barrel after ISIS attack in Iraq.

The US crude contracts in November lost $ 1.27 to 89.74 dollars a barrel in contracts at the settlement. American crude lost about two dollars this week in the biggest weekly decline in a month.

In the previous session, oil futures tumbled to 88.18 American dollars, the lowest level since April 2013.

The geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia did not prevent the oil prices from falling during the summer, despite the progress of ISIS organization north of Iraq, it did not have a significant impact on oil production in the south so far.

Some analysts say that the reduction of the production of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) could support oil prices.