2013-09-09 10:13:17

 The secretary of Swedish Centrist Democrat party, Annie Loew expressed regret for the failure of her party in explaining how several millions of crowns provided as supposed financial assistance to Iraq to support democracy in it, have been spent but it turns out later that the party that spent it failed to clarify aspects of the exchange.

The Centrist Democrat International, spent an amount of 3.2 million kronor ( equivalent to about 480 thousand dollars ) on a Swedish draft to promote and support democracy in Iraq , but the company was unable to explain aspects of the exchange and the disappearance of these funds , so it has inform the police .

The Swedish radio quoted ( Aykut ) said in the report briefed by "Shafaq News" , quoting Loew as saying that "It is unfortunate that the institution was unable to provide a clear explanation about the exchange of such amounts “.

She explained that the institution took responsibility for it and discovered the issue, which reported the police, pointing out that the investigation is underway in the case.

The Swedish newspapers spoke earlier last month, about the possibility of the existence of corruption issue in the financial aid provided by the Swedish government to Iraq through SIDA Foundation to support development projects of democracy, by exchanging the -mentioned amount , but the institution is responsible for dispensing it.

The radio said that the Centrist Democrat International has funded two projects to support democracy in Iraq, during 2009 and 2010, under Swedish supervision from Iraqi origin.

Loew said that the investigation is under way in this case and we are waiting for the results.