2013-10-25 11:30:50


“The proportion of earnings will appear at the end of this year and we expect it to be big and the global bank sequence to rise more than it was last year,” The Director of the bank , Hamdiya al-Jaff told “Shafaq News”.

TBI is a bank administratively subjected to the Council of Ministers with a percentage of profits that have exceeded 400 million $, while rose 30 degrees in the world rankings to about 1000 bank.

“The bank was able to recover about one billion and 450 million dollars of late financial loans through judiciary,” Al-Jaff added.

TBI has achieved in 2010 an increase in profits by 18% to reach 361 million $, while it has reached 305 million $ in 2009.

TBI owned entirely by the Iraqi government had been established in July 2003 to facilitate Iraq's international trade and reconstruction of Iraq after the end of the work of UN oil -for-food program, which began with a modest capital of 96.1 million dollars in 2003 , the bank's capital has increased to reach 427.35 million $ in 2008. The capital and reserves of the bank have increased for up to 1.5 billion $ at the end of 2010