2020-07-15 23:21:23

Shafaq News / the parliamentary finance committee announced, on Wednesday that it supported the government's measures to deploy military forces to control border outlets since The country could generate $1 billion per month in revenue from outlets, that’s  equivalent to about 10 percent of the country's total revenue, if corruption and mismanagement were contained..

"The House of Representatives supports the Government by enforcing law on border crossings and controlling the outlets in Diyala and Basra governorates”, the committee member, Jamal Cougar, told Shafaq News agency.

Cougar explained, "If the problem is that the militia is the one who controls the port, then military force is the solution, but  If there is forging in official papers, quantities or  qualities of goods, or any corruption operations, then, Comprehensive administrative changes should be made to correct the work and control the outlets. "

the member of the Finance Committee added, "The annual financial imports of the outlets are estimated at 10 percent of the  real imports, and if the basic points mentioned above are applied, the financial imports will be one billion dollars per month".

Earlier, The Iraqi government, headed by Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, has deployed the army forces at border points in Basra and Diyala governorates, to contain widespread corruption through them.