2014-06-23 09:39:44

on the Mediterranean as a fourth tanker is being loaded.

Yildiz said in a statement reported by Reuters , seen by "Shafaq News" that”  sales revenue of Kurdistan oil is being transformed to Halk Turkish government Bank.

He added that 93 million dollars has been deposit in the bank from the price of the first shipment that was loaded last month.

Yildiz told reporters that Turkey does not know the procuring entity, but believes it will be sold to markets in the Mediterranean region.

Kurdistan government said in a statement on its website on Saturday that it is proud of this important accomplishment despite what it called as intimidation and interference by Baghdad over three weeks against the owners of the tanker, traders and involved buyers.

The sale of Kurdistan oil shipments transported via the independent pipeline is vital to the government of Kurdistan under its quest for more financial independence from Baghdad and provides financial liquidity after Baghdad cut its share of the federal financial budget.

However, the new export channel to Turkey, which aims to avoid Federal pipeline of Baghdad sparked a bitter dispute, unlike the sale of oil rights between the central government and the Kurds.

Kurdistan pipeline pumps currently about 120 thousand barrels per day to the port of Ceyhan. The region aims to export 400 thousand barrels per day by the end of the year.