2013-11-28 06:53:09


Kurdistan plans to start exporting oil from its fields to world markets via Turkey through a new pipeline that will hopefully be completed in the next period.

But this big move needs understanding with Baghdad, which is strongly opposed by Kurdistan region that want to export oil individually.

Despite opposition from the central government to extend the pipeline but the Kurdish government went ahead with its plans, which will help in what appears to be an economic independence from Baghdad after the two sides did not reach understandings on this file and other files for many years .

Baghdad says that it has the right only to control exports and the conclusion of transactions while Kurdistan says that it has the right to do so as guaranteed by the Constitution.

Yildiz said in an interview with reporters, briefed by "Shafaq News", that “the export of oil will begin before the end of this year , stressing that what was signed with Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) was not a violation of the Iraqi constitution nor the observations made ​​by the Iraqi government .

The President of KRG , Nechirvan Barzani is visiting Turkey to conclude a final agreement for the export of Kurdish oil .

Yildiz said that signing the contract and start exporting oil in the region would open the way for other contracts and other projects that will lead to develop economy and relations between Turkey and the region.

Kurdistan began exporting crude individually from Taq Taq oil field to the Turkish port of Mersin in early January via trucks.