2014-03-29 09:05:47
which condemns the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy , Hussain al-Shahristani for intervening in the appointments file that took place recently in the Southern Oil Company in Basra province .

Shahristani’s office has threatened earlier this month to sue MP Uday Awad if not revealed documents that refer to Shahristani’s intervention in the appointments.

"The documents that I have is about the official announcement of the jobs provided by the South Oil Company in Rumaila field in Basra province , as Shahristani had asked to appoint graduates of Karbala Institute of Oil in exclusively and didn’t allow graduates of Basra to submit their applications ,” Awad told “Shafaq News “.

Awad added , " when the officials were asked about the reason , they indicated that the recommendation issued by al-Shahristani demands that graduates must be exclusively from Karbala Institute of Oil."

“This measure has raised a wave of anger among the graduates of Basra province being affected by the negative effects of the oil institute , but until now, the province did not any part from its right in the service and the social reality, and the South Oil Company did not give up a part of its attention now for the people of Basra."

Awad added that, " Shahristani’s policy in the management of the energy file in the country has led to large negligence and increased the suffering of Basra people."

( BP ) British Company is taking the responsibility of development and exploitation of Rumaila field , the largest oil fields in Iraq with the Chinese National Petroleum Company , within the first licensing round , which took place in July 2009, where the two companies will get two dollars for every barrel of additional oil product .