2015-04-30 06:18:20

by the government from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “ISIS” extremist organization.

Deputy President of the "World Bank Group" for the Middle East and North Africa region, Hafeth Ghanem confirmed that he would meet with Iraqi officials and discuss ways to assist the Government in addressing the budget deficit caused by the drop in oil revenues when visiting Iraq this week.

Public finances have effected hard in Iraq due to the fall in oil prices, as well as the government faces increasing military spending because of its battle against "ISIS" which killed thousands , destroyed infrastructure and services.

Ghanem announced in an interview with Reuters in Lebanon, where he is on an official visit, that "there are areas liberated by the government from ISIS but suffers from infrastructure, education and health services lack," he said. "So I'll try to see if we can help fund projects to improve life in those areas. "