2014-09-01 07:41:49

organization , pointing out that Turkey is a state of law and any act that it does is compatible with the law.

This came at a meeting of the branch of the ruling Justice and Development Party in Kayseri center of the country, where Yildiz said that Iraq is the largest supplier of oil to Turkey, as Turkey imports from 11 to 12 other countries, denying that the Turkish oil refineries are refining oil coming from ISIS in any form.

He described the accusations as trying to hit the energy sector in Turkey and tarnish the image of Justice and Development government .

The UN Security Council has issued sanctions a mid of current month on the "Islamic state" and "al-Nusrah Front ", under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations in order to dry the financing resources of these two organizations, and included a banning decision from the purchase of oil from them and impose sanctions on companies that do so.