2014-02-15 09:40:30

and privileges of the parliament , the three presidencies and senior officials in the state.

“Shafaq News” reporters said that “ protest demonstrations began this morning in Baghdad , Karbala, Najaf , Dhi -Qar , Kirkuk , Muthanna , Basra , Babil , Maysan and Diwaniyah provinces as demonstrators number in all those provinces are estimated in thousands“.

He added that the demonstrators expressed their anger for voting on the paragraph devoted to retirement and privileges of MPs and senior government officials .

Reporters noted that the demonstrators have confirmed that they will continue protests till this paragraph would be canceled, praising the position of religious Marjiyaa in Najaf , which called for the cancellation of that paragraph and not to elect the parliamentary blocs that voted on it.

The Federal Court Which is the highest judicial authority in Iraq has cancelled in the same month pensions of current and former MPs according to the call of head of Ahrar parliamentary bloc, Bahaa al-Araji in accordance to the demands of the Marjiyaa in Najaf and the masses .

But MPs voted this month again on the Unified Retirement Law by installing a paragraph No. 37 where they identified their retirement and privileges as well as the three presidencies and senior officials in the state.

The supreme Marjyaa in Najaf criticized pushing that paragraph in the law , calling not to elect those who voted on the paragraph of parliamentary blocs if not cancelled.

The MP for the National Dialogue Front, Haidar al-Mulla said in the first press conference held on Thursday that 133 MPs voted on paragraph 37 of the Unified Retirement Law , including religious Shiite men. .