2020-06-25 16:41:43

Shafaq News / Today, Thursday, Turkish aircrafts bombed multiple areas in the district of Pradost, north of Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region, under the pretext of the presence of elements of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), sparking panic among the inhabitants, as major fires broke in the grasslands of the region.

A source told Shafaq news agency, in an interview, that the shelling started early on Thursday, targeting Nawmiran and Mount Zeraran in Pradost, adding that fires broke out in the grasslands and mountains.

Witnesses from the area indicated that the situation in 20 villages in the region of Pradost is unstable. This spread fear among the inhabitants of the area from displacement, especially after the inhabitants of another 115 villages were prompted to leave in the previous period.

Witnesses added that villagers hear the buzzing of planes flying over the area continuously throughout the day.

Turkey invokes the presence of elements of PKK at the borders within the territory of Kurdistan Region to carry out military operations and aerial and artillery shelling, often causing loss of lives and properties of civilians in the Kurdish villages in Kurdistan region.