2020-04-07 12:57:10

Shafaq News / The Director General of Najaf Health Department, Dr. Radwan Al-Kindi announced on Tuesday that 21 new cases of Corona virus were recorded in the governorate.

Al-Kindi stated that Najaf recorded (21) new infections with Corona virus for Tuesday 7/4/2020, after the public health laboratory in Najaf carried out (236) laboratory tests as follows:

- 10 cases of contact with a previously diagnosed positive case / Najaf - Maysan neighborhood

- 4 cases of contact with a previously diagnosed positive case / Najaf - Al-Salam neighborhood

- 3 cases of contact with previously diagnosed positive cases / different areas of the governorate

- 2 cases of contact with previously diagnosed positive condition / Najaf - Al Mishkhab

- 2 suspected cases

He added that the total of cases recorded in Najaf governorate is as follows:

229 confirmed cases

84 recovery cases

5 deaths