2020-06-04 10:09:55

Shafaq News / A new confirmed case of Covid-19 was recorded with Corona, while 11 other patients have recovered, a medical source in Diyala reported today.

​​The mayor of Al-Katoon neighborhood, west of Baquba was infected with Covid-19 and placed under quarantine, the source told Shafaq News agency.

The source also announced that 11 people infected with the virus have recovered and will leave quarantine during the coming hours.

Hence, the death toll of people infected with corona in Diyala reached 98 cases in which 61 have recovered, 8 died and the rest are quarantined.

On the other hand, another medical source reported 12 new cases of Corona virus in Nasiriyah.

On the other hand, a third medical source informed Shafaq News, that the results of laboratory tests showed that 18 people are infected with Corona virus in Najaf on Thursday.

The Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) announced, on Wednesday that it has recorded 104 new cases of coronavirus , bringing the total number of infections to 849 cases.