2014-04-28 08:35:18

, while Operations Command supported it with air cover after imposing a curfew .


“41 polling stations and 219 Stations have opened its doors in Nineveh since seven a.m. and will continue until six k pm, indicating that the voting process is going smoothly and without any delays,” The Media Director of the Commissioner Office, Farhan Kiki told “Shafaq News “.

The commander of Nineveh operations , Mehdi al-Ghraoui announced for " Shafaq News " earlier , that “ a curfew has been imposed by the leadership   across the province including the prevention of motorcycles , bicycles , as well as all other kinds of vehicles “.

Yesterday evening has witnessed a series of bombings targeting polling stations in Mosul al-Jadida area, killing one policeman and wounding an officer and a policeman.

A security source in Nineveh province revealed on Monday that a number of journalists were injured by the explosion of a roadside bomb in Al-Arabi neighborhood on their way to cover the special ballot.

The ballot process begins for election of the Iraqi Parliament has started on the thirtieth of this April , with the participation of more than 9000 candidate and dozens of political entities to elect 328 members of the parliament, Iraqis has begun voting in 19 countries yesterday, with the participation of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis abroad , while voting process started for the troops of army, police and security services since morning .