2014-01-04 09:35:43

that took place during the demonstrations that took place in the sub-district during the past two days .

“ A delegation of Kurdistan Parliament of Sulaymaniyah Office visited Sayed Sadiq sub-district and has made its efforts to calm the situation , through submitting the positions of the five maon blocs through five points ,” A statement issued by Kurdistan Democratic Party , the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan , Change movement , Islamic Union and the Islamic group state yesterday evening , received by “Shafaq News “.

The points included , according to the statement , the full support of the demands of the demonstrators regarding the lack of services in the sub-district and the marginalizing it , referring to the Parliament delegation’s monitor and ongoing follow-up to solve the problem .

The statement called on not to repeat arrests , seek to calm the situation , stop the gunfire and withdraw the additional troops to outside the sub-district.

The statement also called for approval of the Minister of Interior and Administration of Sulaymaniyah on resignation request of Mayor of the sub-district and head of the local council , pointing to the need to reassure the people and to issue immediate decisions to address current issues and future plans to address the rest of the problems .

The statement indicated the presence of an indirect decision to decide the fate of the region , stressing that it is the right of Sayed Sadiq people to to decide their fate in legal ways after the end of the legal procedures to convert Halabjato a province.

The statement expressed, the delegation 's condolences to the family of the young man who was killed in the protests , calling the concerned authorities to follow up the case of his death seriously.

It is worth mentioning that Sayed Sadiq sub-district has witnessed during the last two days , protests on poor services and including the sub-district to Halabja without taking the opinion of its people.

The protests were met with gunfire by security forces , according to press reports , causing the death of one of the protesters and wounding several security officers and demonstrators.