2020-03-26 12:46:05

Shafaq News / The Health Department of Najaf Governorate announced on Thursday, that it has recorded 5 new infections with Corona virus.

 A department statement, reported to Shafaq News that "the central public health laboratory in Najaf conducted 50 investigations of suspected cases and it was found through the tests that five of them carry the virus for people from different regions of the governorate, two of them are relatives  and one has a travel history to Syria while two cases they do not have contact or travel as they claim. "

The department added that "the department has taken all measures with the infected people and those who touch them," calling on all citizens to "adhere to the preventive instructions to protect themselves and society, and from that commitment to prohibit roaming, except for very necessary cases, while washing hands constantly and reviewing health institutions when feeling symptoms of the disease."