2020-04-08 12:19:36

Shafaq News / The Security Media Cell announced on Wednesday that one of the Federal Police was killed and five members of the Federal Police and Popular Mobilization Forced (PMF) were wounded in two attacks carried out by ISIS in Salahuddin and Kirkuk governorates.

The cell said in a statement today that "a terrorist attack by a roadside bomb on a vehicle belonging to the 21st brigade of the PMF in Al-Aytha area within Salahuddin leadership operations’ sector, which resulted in the injury of 3 fighters from PMF."

In a second statement, the cell said that "a detachment of the Fifth Division is a federal police within the advanced headquarters of the Joint Operations Command in Kirkuk, where it noticed a strange thing and during the dismantling of the engineering elements to verify it, a roadside bomb exploded, which resulted in the injury of two policemen."

The statement added that "a force of the fourth commando brigade of the sixth division of the Federal Police went out to search the mountain range of Kani Duplan, and during the inspection process the force found a tunnel, where the force command entered the tunnel, and the tunnel collapsed after a roadside bomb exploded and the body of the martyr officer was evacuated ".

A security source said on Tuesday, that an officer and several members of the federal police were stuck in a tunnel after ISIS militants destroyed  its entrance in Hawija district in Kirkuk Governorate.

The source said in a statement to Shafaq News, "An officer and a number of employees of the Federal Police were stuck inside one of the tunnels in Hawija area after its entrance was blown up by ISIS operatives."

He added, "The federal police are removing the rubble in hope of reopening the entrance to the tunnel to save the members stranded inside," noting that "we couldn’t reach them until the moment or know whether they are alive or not."

Al-Hawija and other areas in Kirkuk governorate and Diyala governorate often witness ISIS operations that sometimes lead to deaths and injuries among the security forces and civilians.