2020-05-27 20:02:47

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday that it has recorded 6 deaths and 287 infections during the past 24 hours.

"71414 samples were tested in all specialized laboratories in Iraq today, thus the total number of samples examined since the beginning of the disease registration in Iraq is 206381,”The ministry said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency.

"The Ministry of Health and Environment laboratories recorded today 287 infections in Iraq, of which 76 were discovered through active investigation, and the infections were distributed as follows:

Baghdad / Baghdad 257 , Najaf: 5 ,Basra: 3 ,Sulaymaniyah: 1 ,Erbil: 2 Karbala: 3 ,Kirkuk: 3 ,Wasit: 4 ,Diyala: 4 ,Maysaniyya: 1 ,Maysan: 1 ,Dhi Qar:1 ,Salahuddin : 2

The ministry indicated to 52 recoveries all over Iraq

The ministry added that 6 deaths in Baghdad alone.

It has indicated that the total number of infections were: 5,135, the total number of recoveries : 2904, the total number of people in hospitals  : 2056, people under intensive care: 41, and the total deaths: 175.