2014-04-22 07:56:04

against the candidate and former MP Mishan al-Jubouri , pointing out that the Committee will consider today the list and announce its position .


Khathi told “Shafaq News", that " Mishan al-Jubouri came with ideas and agendas of the dissolved Baath Party by describing Kurds as the occupation of Iraq , and that the Baath Party did not succeed to enter the elections to prevent any candidate who was a member in Baath to run for elections ."

Khathi added that “Baath made Mishan Jubouri who seeks to bring the problems between the ethnic groups and create chaos in the country ," noting that " the list of Mishan al- Jubouri has been submitted to the 7- member committee and will be considered today at a special meeting to come with position of his candidacy for the parliamentary elections ."

The Independent High Electoral Commission have excluded in the eighth of April al- Jubouri from the nomination for the upcoming parliamentary elections because of his statements against the Kurds , which would raise nationalist strife .

However, sources in the IHEC said later that it has canceled the decision to exclude Jubouri and said that his remarks that were released before the electoral campaign resulted in excluding him from participating in the elections .

Jubouri said in remarks to the media , " We are honored to participate in this election as Arabs of Iraq," adding that " our project is based on the liberation of Iraq from the Kurdish occupation and this will be one of my main and first priorities to make Iraq get rid of the remnants of the U.S. occupation namely Kurds ," as he put it .

Iraq Judiciary has condemned al- Jubouri on charges of embezzlement of state funds after cancelling his parliamentary immunity and membership then he fled to Syria and from there ran a television channel inciting to fight U.S. forces and their allies and promoting for militant Islamists.

Reports indicate the existence of an international arrest warrant issued by the International Police, " Interpol " against him on charges of several issues by the Iraqi government during the previous years .

However, he returned to the country and said that the judiciary exonerated him of all cases filed against him in an evolution seen by some as being done under political compromises in which Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki was one of its parties .

   Al-Jubouri has allied with Deputy Prime Minister , Saleh al-Mutlaq and will go through parliamentary elections in one list called " al- Arabiya bloc ."