2020-03-16 11:34:58

Shafaq News / The head of al-Hikma (Wisdom) movement, Ammar al-Hakim announced on Monday that he will withdraw from the task of choosing the head of the new government, shortly after the alliance of Sadrists close to the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, announced the failure of the Shiite "Seven- Party Committee" in charge of this matter.

Al-Hakim said in a statement received by Shafaq News, that "because of our refusal to remain in the delay equation and our reservations on political accounts that do not taking into consideration the supreme interest of Iraq and the Iraqis and not taking into account the current circumstances that the country is going through, we decided not to interfere in the task of choosing the names of candidates for the position of Prime Minister for the transitional period anymore. "

He added that " the national Hikma movement interfered to find a way out for the political closure and disrupting of the people interests only," demanding that "the task of the next candidate be confined to the framework of restoring the state's prestige and preparing for early elections during this year."

The head of Alliance Towrads Reform and his representative in the "7-party  Committee" Nabil Al-Tarfi said earlier Monday that the 7-party  Committee had not reached an agreement to choose a candidate to assign him to form the government instead of the current resigned government, calling on the President of the Republic to exercise his constitutional powers by assignment.

It should be noted that the second constitutional deadline for choosing a candidate for prime minister in Iraq ends Monday night.

The main Shiite leaderships formed last week a 7-party committee comprising all the Shiite parliamentary blocs represented in Parliament, to discuss the conduct of more than 31 candidates for the position, to be agreed on one candidate of them, submitted to the President of the Republic Barham Saleh for the purpose of assigning him.

And revealed a source in the Seven Committee, which includes Shiite political forces, on Sunday, the existence of an agreement within the committee to nominate a close associate of Nuri al-Maliki, leader of the coalition of state law Naim Suhail as prime minister.

He added, "If the committee does not reach a final agreement to nominate Al-Suhail and present him officially to the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, then the Seven Committee will present the head of the intelligence service, Mustafa Al-Kathemi to fill the position."