2019-10-16 12:23:45

Shafaq News/ A close source to the leader of the Sadrist movement called on Wednesday , the Iraqi Prime Minister ,Adel Abdul Mahdi to protect security elements who have audio recordings about the issuance of orders to beat the demonstrators.

"Some members of the security forces have a call recording includes orders to beat protesters," Saleh Mohammed al-Iraqi, a fake name known to be close to Sadr, said in a social media post.

"We therefore call on the Prime Minister to receive and protect them from the consequences, even if the audio recording is personal."

On 11th of October, the National Security Council formed an investigative committee on cases of killings and injuries among demonstrators and members of the security services, attacks on facilities, infrastructure, media and holding accountable on minors within a period of 5 days starting from 12/10/2019.

The religious cleric, Ali al-Sistani has blamed the Iraqi government responsible for the deaths of protesters and security forces during the bloody demonstrations witnessed in Iraq since the beginning of this month.