2013-12-30 10:00:38

, in which it had been agreed to be formed last week to end the federal budget disputes for 2014.

"The technical delegation from Kurdistan Region will arrive this weekend to Baghdad in the framework of activating the agreement that took place last week between the head of the regional government , Nechirvan Barzani and Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki on the formation of a joint committee to resolve differences on the federal budget ,” The vice president of Kurdistan Alliance bloc , Mohsen al-Sadoun told “Shafaq News “.

“The delegation will hold meetings in Baghdad with representatives from the federal government to approve the agreement on the disputed items in the budget, which agreed last week to find solutions to them through the a joint committee ,” Sadoun added.

The head of Kurdistan Regional Government has agreed with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Baghdad on the formation of a joint committee that would develop solutions for disputed points between the region and the Center on the Budget

Kurdistan Region has approved officially to take charge of the national export company " Sumo " on managing file on the sale of exported oil from region to Turkey .