2020-03-08 11:49:58

Shafaq News / The health department of Maysan province southern Iraq, announced on Sunday that it has recorded a death of a person infected with Corona virus in the province, bringing the number of deaths from the virus in the country to 6 cases.

A statement of Maysan Health Department reported to "Shafaq News", that " Maysan Health Department announces the emergence of a positive infection for Cornna virus today, 8th of March," explaining that "the infected person died yesterday night one hour after he arrived al-Shahed al-Sadr   Hospital emergency as he was in very critical “.

The statement added that "he was suspected of being infected with the virus by the medical team and all emergency and supportive measures were taken to save his life an." He pointed out that "the dead person   traveled to Iran and entered Iraq on February 27th  via Baghdad International Airport".

Maysan Provincial Health Department called on citizens to "take legal and moral responsibility by reporting suspicious cases and transferring them as soon as possible to the nearby health institution and giving full information about the patient's condition and his travel to any country in order to preserve the lives of patients, suspects, contactors, and the people of the province."

The number of deaths due to infection with the virus increased to 6 cases throughout Iraq, two in Baghdad and one in each of Sulaimaniyah, Karbala, Babil, and Maysan, while the number of infections across the country reached 57, distributed as follows: 26 Baghdad, 8 Sulaimaniya, 7 Kirkuk, 5 Najaf , 3 Wasit, 2 Diyala, 2 Karbala, 1 Maysan, 1 Babel, 2 Erbil.