2020-07-03 16:56:02

Shafaq News / A source in the administration of Al-Qa’im border crossing, in Al-Anbar province, west of Iraq, said on Friday that an altercation took place between a customs official and members of Kata'ib Hezbollah, who were entering Iraq from Syria.

The source told Shafaq News agency that, "no armed clashes took place between Kata'ib Hezbollah and the counter-terrorist forces", and stressed that there is, "no control for the Kata'ib over al-Qaim outlet".

The term "Hezbollah" refers to the Lebanese Hezbollah organization that was launched in the early 80s. However, another organization rose two decades later with the same name in Iraq. The young organization took the name of "Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq" or "Katai'b Hezbollah".

The Brigades say that their aim is to thwart what they call the "American-Israeli project" in the Middle East. Its members were among the first militants who fought in Syria alongside the government's forces against the popular protests that swept the country in 2011.

US soldiers at Iraqi military bases and the US embassy in Baghdad have been a regular target of missile attacks over the past months. Washington accuses the Iraqi "Hezbollah" and other factions of being behind these attacks.