2020-03-08 09:31:07

Shafaq News / According to a medical source in the Iraqi province of Babil, a man infected with Corona virus died on Sunday, bringing the number of deaths from the virus in the country to 5 cases.

The source told "Shafaq News", that "Babil Governorate has recorded the death of a 70-year-old Corona virus patient."

The number of deaths due to infection with the virus increased to 5 cases throughout Iraq, two in Baghdad and one in each of Sulaymaniyah, Karbala and Babil, while the number of infections throughout the country reached 57, distributed as follows: 26 Baghdad, 8 Sulaymaniyah, 7 Kirkuk, 5 Najaf, 3 Wasit, 2 Diyala, 2 Karbala, 1 Maysan, 1 Babel, 2 Erbil.