2020-04-22 14:57:17

Shafaq News / The commander-in-chief of the Iraqi armed forces, Adel Abdul-Mahdi decided on Wednesday to disengage the shrines forces of the religious authority from the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF).

"We decided to link the brigades (2 ,11,29,44) administratively and operationally to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the rest of the details will be arranged in a later order," said a document that Abdul al-Mahdi addressed to the head of PMF.

Shafaq News informed a source in PMF that the intended brigades are:

Brigade 2 Imam Ali PMF division

Brigade 11 Ali Al-Akbar PMF division

Brigade 26, Al-Abbas PMF combat brigade

Brigade 44 Ansar Al-Marjiya PMF brigade