2019-10-24 10:35:48

Shafaq News/ Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief, Adel Abdul-Mahdi has approved the transfer of new commanders to Baghdad and a number of other Iraqi provinces, the Media Security Cell announced on Thursday.

The cell said in a statement today that the approval of the Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces motioned the following:

First: Lieutenant General ,Qais Khalaf Rahima to be transferred from the duties of the commander of the operations of the Middle Euphrates and assigned with the mission of Baghdad operations commander.

Second: Major General ,Ali Ghazi Haider Hashim to be transferred from the position of deputy commander of the Middle Euphrates operations and assigned with the duties of the Middle Euphrates Operations Commander.

Third: Major General, Jabbar Naima Karim Wali to be transferred from the duties of the post of assistant commander of Baghdad operations defense / Al-Karkh to be assigned to Rafidain Operations Commander.

Fourth: Brigadier General Aqeel Abboud Kazim transferred from the position of deputy commander of the division / 14 and assigned to the tasks of commander of the division / 11

Fifth: Transferring Brigadier General ,Mazen Abboud Jawad from the duties of Lieutenant General Brigade 28 Division / 7 and assigned with the missions of the commander of the Brigade / 45 Division / 11