2019-10-28 08:56:34

Shafaq News/ U.S. forces have returned to the bases that they had withdrawn from during the past few days in northern and northeastern Syria, following U.S. President Donald Trump's decision, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported Monday.

It said that more than 500 American soldiers , military and logistical equipment arrived at Qusarki base, located on M4 highway between Tal Tamr and Tel Baidar, within the area linking the Iraqi-Qamishli-Aleppo border, over the past three days. Serin airport has been witnessing for 5 days the landing of American aircraft and the discharge of cargo planes, in addition to the presence of American vehicles , logistical and military equipment.

The Observatory also reported the entry of two convoys of American forces after midnight Sunday - Monday to the Syrian territory, through the border crossing Al-Waleed, which includes more than 85 vehicles , trucks and vehicles carrying military and logistical equipment.

The entry was accompanied by an intensive flight of aircraft over the region, bringing to about 150 trucks and vehicles entered in four stages since Sunday evening, monitoring the entry of a number of trucks of the coalition forces, in addition to a group of American Hummers, on the international road link between al-Hasakah and al-Qamishli.

A second convoy of 35 American armored vehicles entered Syrian territory with warplanes, amid reports of another convoy entering within two hours.

About a week ago, American forces destroyed bases in northern Syria after they withdrew and cleared them of weapons and equipment. U.S. Defense Secretary ,Mark Esper announced that the plan would move all 1000 troops from northern Syria, respectively, to west of Iraq to continue the campaign against ISIS and "to help defend Iraq."

The fate of ISIS elements

The Syrian Democratic Forces announced on Sunday at a press conference fear of the possibility of ISIS reprisals, especially after killing the head of the organization ,Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The Kurdish "self-administration" in northeastern Syria recently renewed fears that its involvement in fighting Turkish forces would negatively affect its efforts to maintain security in detention centers and camps that host thousands of ISIS fighters and their families. SDF forces are holding 12000 ISIS operatives, including 2500 to 3000 foreigners from 54 countries.

A few days ago, Republican Senator ,Lindsey Graham said that American  military commanders were preparing a plan that would prevent ISIS from re-emerging in Syria and prevent Syrian oil from falling into the hands of Iran or the extremist group.