2014-04-11 08:10:08


A report briefed by “Shafaq News”, said that “there was no justification for this invasion. But in spite of this, Britain decided to be involved , as it did in the bad planned war that has been horribly executed in Afghanistan in 2001 , that’s why U.S. troops failed in fake goals in the two wars ."

Col. Daniel Davis in U.S. Army said that the U.S. Army and " NATO" troops are one of the best military forces on earth , they have everything you can imagine of military equipment of all kinds , the best soldiers and training , but in these wars , they had employed everything to fight this peaceful people that does not possess any of this , as the magazine showed that this vision , had not been taken into consideration and was thrown in the trash .

The magazine's report believes that Britain and America had left Iraq destructive thinking that what they have done is for them and for their success in Iraq .

The magazine's report added that with the departure of, " NATO" troops and U.S. troops from Afghanistan , they will leave it for drug dealers , corruption , unsafe roads , police out of control and terrible death toll, all as a result of what they did to the country , and so where would these Western military forces go later for another war .