2014-03-19 10:58:47

with a number of service departments in the state, while vowed to account the general managers and the ministers responsible for the negligence.


Maliki said in his weekly televised speech , briefed by “Shafaq News " , that   "he saw the escalating neglect in some state departments that delayed the transactions of the citizens ," adding that "It is true there are bad laws that still affect the state departments and institutions to deal it the parliament should stopped it and legislate other laws that serve the citizen , but that this is not an excuse to neglect it .

Maliki described the negligence as " another form of terrorism ," saying , "We want to provide services and build the country and impose security and stability, there are people who contaminate such efforts “.

Malki defined the negligence in Department of Naturalization , hospitals , municipalities , security checkpoints and Department of Public pension that delays the transactions of Martyrs from police and army to finally include the Ministries of Interior and Defense under this list .

Maliki considered neglecting the transactions and not facilitating them in government departments as “ deliberate to create a state of anger , boredom and discontent among the citizens against the government ," and urged the concerned authorities of the ministries and institutions to follow up on the work of its departments .

Maliki has vowed to hold accountable for negligence of staff , General Managers and Ministers responsible for the reluctance of departments.