2020-03-23 09:43:40

Shafaq News / The victory coalition headed by Haider al-Abadi expressed on Monday his opposition to the moves to replace Prime Minister-designate Adnan al-Zarfi, considering the nomination of a new candidate as a "constitutional violation."

Al-Zorfi is a leader in the victory coalition.

"The coalition announces that the ongoing dialogues regarding the nomination of a new candidate for prime minister indicate a clear constitutional violation, given the issuance of the mandate from the presidency, which does not have the right to repeal the assignment and go to a new mandate before the constitutional period expires," the coalition said in a statement received by Shafaq News.

The coalition indicated that "its participation in the dialogues comes to emphasize the correct paths to resolve the crisis," stressing " the need to give the designate his constitutional opportunity, in compliance with legal contexts and national solidarity."

This comes after a few hours, from moves by the Al-Fatah coalition led by Hadi al-Amiri to choose an alternative to the prime minister, Adnan al-Zarfi.

"The delegation of the Shiite forces opposing the Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zorfi will hold a series of political meetings and discussions with the Kurdish and Sunni forces during the next two days to discuss the issue of dropping Al-Zarfi’s nomination by President Barham Saleh," the coalition deputy, Mukhtar al-Musawi told Shafaq News.

He added that "the discussions will also discuss the formation of an opposition front for the nomination and the selection of a consensual candidate acceptable to the political forces, which will be an alternative to Zorfi by forming the next government."

Yesterday, close to the Prime Minister-designate, Adnan Al-Zorfi revealed that the latter is engaged in dialogues with Kurdish and Sunni forces, which he described as positive.

A close source to Al-Zorfi told Shafaq News that discussions with Kurdish and Sunni forces on forming the new government have produced positive results, especially with Al-Zorfi getting increased support to form the government.

He explained that "Al-Zorfi does not intend to apologize for his assignment while he is continuing to form his government, and the dialogues and meetings in this regard are continuing for the past two days till now," stressing that "the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, is still supportive to al-Zorfi."

Al-Zorfi has less than 30 days to present his cabinet formation to parliament to give it confidence, but his mission will not be easy because he is facing rejection from prominent Shiite forces close to Iran, at the head of which is the Al-Fatah coalition led by Hadi al-Amiri and the State of Law coalition led by Nuri al-Maliki.

The Iraqi Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zarfi, warned earlier on Monday, from Iraq’s exposure to "international sanctions" during the coming period, while stressing that it will proceed only with the agreement of all parties and components.