Shafaq News / The legal expert, Tariq Harb identified on Sunday the "largest bloc" after the Supreme Federal Court statement on that.
Harb said in a post on his social networking site Facebook: "The most parliamentary bloc is determined first by the records of the House of Representatives on 9/3/2018 on the day of the first session, as the blocs took place after that date, the government gave birth to Abdul Mahdi and the President of the Republic on 24/10/2018 from a new bloc that didn’t exist on 3/9 ".
He added that "the court ruling depends on the date of the elections and the first session, and those who held 54 seats were the most, and their deputies took the constitutional oath stipulated by the Supreme Court ruling."
The spokesperson of the Supreme Federal Court, Iyas Samuk issued a press release regarding the “biggest bloc".
The statement received by Shafaq News:
"The President of the Republic asked the Supreme Federal Court to determine the biggest bloc mentioned in Article (76) of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for 2005.
The court received the request on Thursday, 19/12/2019, and accordingly the court held a session to consider the application, on Sunday morning, 22/12/2019, with all its members and issued the following decision:
The above-listed application put it under scrutiny and deliberation by the Federal Supreme Court in its session held on December 22, 2019 and reached after deliberation and scrutiny and after referring to the priorities for its interpretation of the provision of Article (76) of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for 2005, according to its decision issued on 3/25/ 2010 with the number (25 / federal / 2010), which confirmed by its decision dated 11/8/2014 with the number (45 / TC / 2014) and their contents, that the term (the largest number of parliamentary bloc) mentioned in Article (76) of the constitution means either the bloc that was formed after the elections through one electoral list, or the bloc that was formed after the elections from two lists more from the electoral lists and it entered the parliament and their seats after entering the parliament and NATO members made the constitutional oath in the first session that is the biggest in number from the other blocs, so the President of the Republic assign its candidate to form the Council of Ministers in accordance with the provisions of Article 76 of the Constitution and within the period specified therein.
This is what the Supreme Federal Court decided upon in accordance with its aforementioned decisions in the interpretation of Article (76) of the constitution and by clarifying the concept of the largest number of parliamentary blocs.
Whereas, the decisions of the Federal Supreme Court are final and binding on all legislative, executive, and judicial authorities stipulated in Article (47) of the Constitution, and that the Federal Supreme Court is one of its components according to the provisions of Article (89) of the Constitution, it is bound by the rulings and decisions it issues, accordingly the Supreme Federal Court decides its commitment with its aforementioned decisions, which are attached to this decision to interpret the provision of Article (76) of the Constitution in accordance with what was stated in them and this decision was issued in full and binding agreement in accordance with the provisions of Article (94) of the Constitution and Article (5) of the Federal Supreme Court Law and edited at the session (Dated 22/12/2019).